Henry Lewis (1760 VA-1849 NS)
Henry Lewis (and his son William) made several land petitions before receiving a Crown Land Grant (1812) at Forester Lake (619, next to George Boutellier, Certificate 865)
Cape Breton no.: 822
NSARM microfilm: 15791
Lewis, Henry 1812
Petition to Nepean: Petitioner, age 50, has lived in Nova Scotia the past 25 years. He has a wife and seven children. He asks a lot on the N.W. Arm, adjoining that of George Butelear [Boutellier].
Report of Crawle to Clarke: 200 acres on the northern shore of Ball's Creek. Plan.
Cape Breton no.: 3036
NSARM microfilm: 15799
Lewis, Henry 1825
Petition to Wallace: Petitioner is a Native of Virginia, age 65, is married and has eight children. He served in Lord Cornwallis's army. He received a lease for 200 acres which he found unfit for farming. He purchased 300 acres of which the title to 200 acres is a crown lease. He asks a valid title. The land is on the south side of the N.W. Arm of Spanish River. He purchased the land from Henry Adams.
Note: approved.
Cape Breton no.: 3037
NSARM microfilm: 15799
Lewis, William 1825 (this is John William Lewis b. 1803, son of Henry)
Petition to Wallace: Petitioner is a Native of this province, age 21, single. He asks a lot at Point Edward, where it is stated that 2000 acres lie at the disposal of the crown. His father served in Cornwallis' army. He has six brothers, three of whom have received 100 acres each. William Daly has applied for the same lot, but petitioner, in a second petition, explains his claim.
Nova Scotia Archives & Records Management
List of Cape Breton Loyalists has "Henry Lewis of Leitches' Creek NS b. c 1758 Virginia"... Served Lord Charles Cornwallis' army May to Aug 1781
"War for Independence, May - August 1781 Lord Charles Cornwallis, commander of British forces in the South..."
Cornwallis' army in Virginia was composed of thousands of African Americans - Free and freed Blacks (slaves and inclusive of Maroons and Mulattos i.e. "mixed-race", East and West Indians, Virginia and Carolinas Native Americans, i.e. Free People of Color)... See
On the Crown Land Grant map apparently compiled 1840, the following children of Henry Lewis and Catherine Elizabeth Boutellier each have 100 acres west of Coxheath:
John David Lewis (b. 1797)
George Lewis (b. 1799)
James Lewis (b. 1793 / 1794)
William Lewis (b. 1803)
Source (see section 131)
Province of Nova Scotia, 16 Oct 1788
Know all Men by these Presents, that Henry Lewis and James Bouttellier farmers are held and firmly bound to John Parr Esq. Lieut. Gov. and Commander in Chief, in and over his Majesty's Province of Nova-Scotia, in the Sum of One Hundred Pounds, Lawful Money of Great-Britain to be paid to the said John Parr or his certain Attorney, Executors, Administrators or Assigns, for the true Payment whereof we bind ourselves and each of us, by himself for the whole, and every part thereof and the Heirs, Executors, and Admiistrators of us, and each of us, firmly by these Presents, seal'd with our Seals, dated the Sixteenth day of October in the twentyeighth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord, George the Third, by the Grace of God of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and so forth, and in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty eight.
The Condition of this Obligation is such, That, if hereafter, there shall not appear, any lawful let or Impediment by reason of Consanguinity, Affinity, or any other lawful means, whatever, but that the said Henry Lewis Batch Eliz Boutellier Spinsr may lawfully solemnize Marriage together and in the same afterwards to remain, and continue for Man and Wife, according to the Law in that Behalf provided. And if the same Marriage shall be openly solemnized according to the Form of the Book of Common Prayer, now by law establish'd and if the above bounden Henry Lewis & James Boutillier do save harmless the said John Parr and other his Officers whatsoever by reason of the Premises, then this Obligation to be Void, or else to remain in full Force and Virtue.
Sealed and delivered in the presence of
Henry Lewis
IMG his mark
IMG Jacques Bouteillier
Elizabeth Boutellier and Henry Lewis marriage bond 1788 in Halifax County Historical Vital Statistics
Item can be found in Registration Year: 1788 - Book: 1700 - Page: 733
-- researched & compiled by Red Knot, 3 Mar 2012, updated 16 Jul 2018
For more about our family, see Mikmaki Morley tribe